This moisture tester finds moisture according to a conversion graph of the measurement of acetylene gas pressure created when the chemical reagent, calcium carbite, reacts with the moisture in the sample. With this unit, you can measure very small moistures of substances including ore, earth, or soil. Power or heating devices for measurements are not necessary, so it's perfect whether used in the lab or outdoors. Reaction method CaC2 + 2H2O - Ca(OH)2 + C2H2
(Calcium Carbonate) (Water) (Slaked Lime) (Acetylene Gas)
技术参数 CM Great
测量方式 Acetylene gas pressure
应用范围 All substances, Ore, Cokes, Earth and Sand, lime, Cement, etc.
测量范围 U-1 : 0-3.5%, U-2 : 0-23%
称量范围 3g, 5g, 10g, 20g, 50g, 100g
测量精度 Differs depending on the sample mass
显示模式 Analog
尺寸及重量 ø90x290(L)mm (pressure gauge included), 1.8kg
附件 reagent ampoule (20), Hammer (for crushing), Burin (for Crushing use), Crushing plate, Balance, Spoon, Iron ball (4), Cleaning brush, Cleaning cloth, Sample dish (5), Sample, Sample content container (3), Pressure gauge container (3), 1.00mL water ampoule (for test use) (10), Hardcase.