产品名称: FLY-3D三维显微镜
产品编号: FLY-3D
产品价格: 0
产品产地: 江苏
品牌商标: FLY
更新时间: null
使用范围: null
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I 品名:FLY-3D三维显微镜 II.技术描述 Technical Description A.主机 Machine: -FLY-3D显微镜采用连续变倍的方式,提供多种倍率的放大,方便操作者对多种样品的观测,操作方便简单。 FLY-3D microscope with the method of continuous variable times, offers a variety of amplification ratio, convenient operators for a variety of sample observations, convenient operation and simple. -主机自带可调节LED光源,根据不同的样品,提供各种照明亮度,方便检测。 Host comes with adjustable LED light source, according to different samples, provide all kinds of lighting brightness, convenient detection 结构特点 Design Characteristic -显微镜主体光学变倍比:0.65-4.5x Optical microscope subject changing times: 0.65-4.5x -显示器视频放大倍率:50X-300X Display video magnification: 50x-300x -接口灵活,方便更换 Flexible interface, convenient replacement -LED环形灯照明,三维成像清晰,多角度旋转观察 LED ring lamp lighting, 3 d imaging is clear, rotation angles observation -景深范围大,立体观察物体各个方向的细节,分辨率高 Large range of depth of field and stereoscopic viewing the details of the object in all directions, high resolution -高效图像管理,打印功能 Efficient image management, print function FLY-3D三维显微镜性能指标 Fly-3d Microscope Performance Specifications 环境条件要求 Environment Specifications 测量机室温度要求 Room required specifications -测量机室的温度Average room temperature: 18 - 22℃ -机器周围环境的最大温度梯度Maximum thermal gradients: 1℃/小时,2℃/天,1℃/米, 供电系统 Electrical requirements - 电压 (Voltage) : 220 Vac 10% - 频率 (Frequency) : 50 Hz - 电流 (Current) : 10 A 允许的最大的地面振动 Allowed Maximum Floor Vibration - 频率范围 (Frequency Range): 0 19 Hz 1975 Hz> 75 Hz - 振幅 (Maximum Amplitude) : 0.0011 mm 0.00110.002 mm 0.002 mm FLY-3D三维显微镜主机系统 FLY-3D microscope Control System FLY-3D三维显微镜采用优秀光学系统,与高清晰度的彩色CCD和彩色电视机配套使用后,在传统连续变倍单筒显微镜二维观察基础上增加了旋转三维观察功能,使视觉感觉呈现多方位,更真实立体,该产品具有较长的工作距离,宽阔的视野,高清晰度的成像质量等特点。整机集放大成像、显示、LED照明于一体,外形设计灵巧,节省空间,附件齐全,使用简单。广泛应用于电子工业和细小精密零件的检测、装配、修理,特别适用观察大件物体的表面微观结构。 FLY-3d microscope with excellent optical system, with high resolution color CCD and form a complete set of color TV after use, in the traditional two-dimensional continuous variable x monocular microscope observation based on increasing the function of rotating three-dimensional observation, visual sense brings many-sided, more realistic 3 d, the product has a long working distance, wide field of vision, the characteristics of high resolution imaging quality. The whole machine integrating amplifier imaging, display, LED lighting, smart design, save a space, complete accessories, simple to use. Widely used in electronic industry and small precision parts inspection, assembling, repair, especially for large surface microstructure. 真正实时控制,随时控制观察位置 Real real time control, control observation location at any time - 图像传输采用高速USB通讯,提高抗干扰能力 Image transmission with high speed USB communication,improve the anti-interference ability - 手动调节,速度加速度前馈及反馈控制 Manual regulation, speed, acceleration feed-forward and feedback control - 图形轨迹显示调试软件 Setup software with Graphic route - 多重保护I/O控制器 I/O controller with more protection -微电脑多功能键盘操纵盒 Multifunction keyboard remote control box 采用便携的终端控制单元(操纵盒),使得操作者可手动控制测量机的机械运动,操纵盒可用来控制紧急情况、设置轴运动速度,并可设置/复位一些状态功能。 With the portable terminal unit, the operator for manually control of the motorized measuring machines can use it. It provides operations for emergency control, to change the axes speed and set/reset some status functions. B. DELL计算机系统 Computer System - 奔腾Ⅳ 3.0 GHz处理器512MB内存,80GB硬盘 Pentium Ⅳ3.0GHz, 512MB Ram,80GB Hard Disk - 32MB 显存52倍速光驱 32MB Graphic Card, CD-Rom 52 x Speed - 键盘与鼠标 Board & Mouse - 19 液晶彩色显示器17 Color Monitor - 预装WindowsXP操作系统 C. 软件系统 Software System for WINDOWS™ 软件包 ScopePhoto 是图像分析软件的最新版本,界面友好、功能强大、操作便捷,具备良好的兼容性,除提供捕捉、测量、校准等基本功能以外,还可以对所采集的图片进行浮雕、反色、镜像等多种图像处理及打印图文报告文档,并可以对图像进行切割导出计数结果,广泛应用于生物学、材料学、工业检测、刑事侦查、医学显微图像等领域。 ScopePhoto is the latest version of the image analysis software, friendly interface, powerful function, convenient operation, good compatibility, in addition to providing capture, measurement and calibration, and other basic functions, can the pictures collected in the survey were embossed, the color, mirror and so on the many kinds of image processing and printing graphic report document, and cutting export count as a result, the image can be widely used in biology, materials science, industrial detection, criminal investigation, medical microscopic image, etc. ScopePhoto提供了如下先进的性能: The performance of the advanced ScopePhoto provides the following: -图像采集 image acquisition: 可对图像的分辨率大小、采集储存格式、画面属性、色彩、亮度、对比度、暴光、白平衡等参数进行设置,并可以拍照、录像、定时拍照、定时录像得操作。 But for the resolution of the image size, collection and storage format, picture properties, color, brightness, contrast, set parameters, such as exposure, white balance, and can take photos, videos, timed photos, video operations. -图像测量 image measurement: 可对图像进行周长、周长、夹角、面积、圆直径及椭圆长短径等参数的测量,例如通过直线短、矩形、不规则图形、椭圆(圆)、三点定圆等工具测量、并且参数可通过EXCEL格式导出。 Can for the perimeter, Angle, area, circumference, diameter and ellipse parameters such as length to diameter measurement, for example through short straight line, rectangle, irregular graphics, elliptic (round), three focal point circle tools such as measurement, and the parameters can be derived by EXCEL format. -图像处理 image processing: 可实时动态地对亮度/对比度、色度/饱和度、红/绿/蓝颜色进行调整,可对拍摄的图像进行反色、浮雕、锐化、平滑、灰值化、去除噪声、旋转、翻转、镜像等图像处理功能。 Can be real-time dynamically on the brightness/contrast, chroma/saturation, red/green/blue color adjustment, can be carried out on the image of the color, embossing, sharpening, smooth, gray threshold, removing noise, rotate, flip, mirror image processing functions. -标注绘图 label drawing: 方便快捷的进行文字标注,简便的箭头指示,以及进行多种几何图形注解。 Convenient and quick text annotations, simple arrow, and annotations for a variety of geometric shapes. -图文报告 graphic reports: 帮助您轻松制作图文结合的实验报告,可对标本图片进行详细的文字说明,并打印。 Help you to easily create by combining experiment report, but for a literal interpretation of the specimen images in detail, and print. D. 多视角模组观察系统 Probe System FLY-3D显微镜采用3D镜头观测立体原件和孔深,切换时候清晰度不变,中心位置一致,提供360度旋转观察。 FLY - 3 d microscope with original stereoscopic 3 d scene observation and deep hole, switch time resolution is constant, the center position is consistent, provide rotate 360 degrees to observe. • 分度轴A(俯仰) Indexable axis A (Roll) : 45° • 分度轴B(旋转) Indexable axis B (Pitch) : 360 • 重量(Weight) : 645 g PDCA实例效果图: E.用户现场的显微镜安装 Installation at Customer Site 上海富莱光学科技有限公司负责测量机的安装、调试以及测量机安装现场的最终验收。根据需要,用户需提供内部运送和拆装支持。 System installation includes setting up and metrology test and will be carried out by the service engineer of CERATIVE. During the installation, support for connections, internal transportation and unpacking must be provided. 进行测量机的安装,需在满足供货方所要求环境条件符合标准规定的情况下才能进行。 Concerned environment and facilities for the CMM installation must meet the requirement of the specifications before the installation. 需方必须提供相应的供电设施。Fork lift truck or suitable lifting equipment must be provided by the buyer. F.应用培训 Application Training 在用户现场进行为期1个工作日的测量机应用操作培训。Training on the 3D Microscope operation & application 5 working days at the user’s site. 该培训旨在对显微镜系统操作人员提供基本培训。参加该课程人员一般要求具备基础知识、计算机应用知识及英语基础人员。 The training is designed to provide basic training on the microscope system operator. Typically required to attend this course with the basic knowledge, computer application knowledge and basic English.